Photo released on Aug. 21, 2015 by the State Archives Administration of China on its website shows the Chinese version of an excerpt from Japanese war criminal Soichi Nakajima's handwritten confession. According to the written confession of Soichi Nakajima published by the State Archives Administration (SAA), he tortured a Russian woman and found joy in doing so. Soichi Nakajima joined the Japanese War of Aggression against China in 1932, stationed in today's Heilongjiang province, and was captured in October 1945. While assisting the foreign affairs director in interrogating the Russian woman they captured, he tied the captive to a bench and force fed her dirty bath water. After the woman's belly was full, he pressed her stomach until she threw up the water and repeated the process several times. "I even went to her cell, watched the woman holding her bloated belly in pain and felt pleased," the confession read. (Xinhua)