BEIJING, July 4 (Xinhuanet) -- On Sept. 16, 1932, 3,000 Chinese civilians were slaughtered by Japanese soldiers at Pingdingshan village in northeast China's Liaoning Province.
On the evening of Sept. 15, 1,200 anti-Japanese fighters led by Liang Jufu burnt down Japanese storehouses at Pingdingshan village, before marching on and burning down a Japanese coal mine at Yangbaibao.
The following morning, Japanese police and soldiers took revenge. They herded the residents of Pingdingshan together at bayonet-point, penned them in with barbed wire and machine-gunned them. Around 3,000 villgers, mainly women and children, were killed. Only 20 or 30 survived the massacre. The Japanese then used gasoline to burn the village to the ground.